Understanding the details regarding dental fluoride treatment is an excellent way to get the most out of modern dental care and preventive dentistry. Fluoride is nothing more than a mineral that is naturally occurring and that has been proven to help prevent cavities while strengthening teeth. Fluoride has been used for many decades as an oral health treatment. It supports stronger tooth enamel and helps to fight bacteria that could damage teeth and gum tissue. Keep in mind that the tooth enamel is the outer layer of the tooth that is there to protect the tooth structure.

Bacterial Forms A Sticky Layer Of Plaque
Perhaps most notable of all is the fact that fluoride is key in helping to prevent cavities. Cavities are the result of bacteria that has built up over time on teeth and gums. Ultimately this bacterial forms a sticky layer of plaque that produces a type of acid known to erode and damage teeth and gums. When plaque ultimately breaks down the enamel layer, bacteria can make its way into the inner part of the tooth and cause serious damage. With a professional fluoride treatment, your dentist can help to reduce the chances of cavities.
The Fluoride Found In Common Toothpaste or Mouthwash
Your dentist may use a highly concentrated rinse containing fluoride to treat the teeth. In some cases a varnish, gel or foam can also be used to deliver fluoride treatment to the teeth. Keep in mind that the fluoride used by a professional dental care provider will be stronger as compared to the fluoride found in common toothpaste or mouthwash. As a note, your dental care provider will likely tell you to avoid eating or drinking for up to an hour after the treatment has been completed so that the fluoride can absorb fully into the tooth enamel. Talk with your dentist in surreydentalgroup, Dr. Gurdeep Bhangu at surreydentalgroup today for more information on dental fluoride treatments.