Invisalign is a unique and innovative way of straightening teeth without the need for traditional metal braces. Best of all, Invisalign simply uses aligners that are removable and practically invisible. This means that an individual can straighten their teeth without it being obvious to other people. With Invisalign you are able to eat and drink normally without limitation. In addition, this dental technology makes it easy and convenient to brush and floss as you normally would so as to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

Over Time The Teeth Will Move Gradually Little By Little
With Invisalign there are no wires, metal or brackets that can result in uncomfortable and painful mouth abrasions. All these reasons and more make this unique type of teeth straightening technology highly popular throughout the world. The process is simple when using Invisalign to straighten teeth. The patient will wear a set of aligners for just a few weeks and then a new set of aligners is used. The aligners are easily removed to brush, floss, eat and drink. Over time the teeth will move gradually little by little as new aligners are used.
Your Dentist Will Determine Which Type Of Treatment Plan Will Work Best
The total treatment time involved with Invisalign is usually just about 9 to 15 months. During this period of time a patient may be required to work with a set of anywhere from 10 to 30 aligners in total. When it comes to orthodontic treatment, this is truly a smart approach to straightening teeth for a more attractive appearance and healthier teeth and gums. During initial exam your dentist will determine which type of treatment plan will work best. X-rays and photos will determine if Invisalign it is right for you. Talk with your dentist in surreydentalgroup, Dr. Gurdeep Bhangu at surreydentalgroup for more information on Invisalign and all that it makes possible.