Prophylaxis (Teeth Cleaning)
Having regular routine professional teeth cleanings by a dental hygienist is one of the best ways to protect your teeth over the short and long-term. As a matter of fact, routine professional cleanings that are also referred to as dental prophylaxis is a great way to prevent gingivitis, gum disease, tooth loss and other serious dental problems such as cavities. Only a dental care provider can clean teeth to the level that is required to ensure that teeth remain healthy. By simply having two professional cleanings per year you can be sure that your teeth will be far healthier than would otherwise be possible.

Avoiding Costly Dental Treatments That Are So Common Today
This simple procedure combined with a comprehensive home oral healthcare regimen will help to prevent cavities, gum disease and tooth loss that is so indicative of many types of dental diseases. Prophylaxis ultimately saves patient’s money by avoiding costly dental treatments that are so common once teeth have become diseased. Dental prophylaxis combined with routine examinations by your dentist and x-rays will detect problems long before they become serious and costly.
Modern Dentistry Makes It Easy To Protect Your Teeth
Dental prophylaxis goes beyond teeth cleaning to include everything from scaling and root planing to the application of dental sealants and fluoride treatment. With so much to offer today, modern dentistry makes it easy to protect your teeth for an entire lifetime. Staying focused, dedicated and committed to the best in dental hygiene and dental care will ensure that you save money and enjoy beautiful looking teeth well into old age. With so much to offer it is clear to see why dental prophylaxis or professional dental cleanings by a dental hygienist simply makes more sense. Talk with your trusted dentist in surreydentalgroup, Dr. Gurdeep Bhangu at surreydentalgroup today for more information on dental prophylaxis and all that it makes possible.